Tuesday, April 1

I have been really busy in the last week with Mia off on Easter holidays at school, don't ask me what we have been up to, the time has just flown past. Mia did a swimming crash course which she absolutely loved and a couple of afternoons last week she took part in a children's sports club at our new local sports hall, Mia got the chance to take part in a dance class, Judo, cricket, golf tennis and football which she loved the best.

On Saturday I went to the Wyverstone Crop which as usual was excellent, brilliant class kit which was an acrylic album, I also managed to get quite a few LO's done as well which was surprising as I didn't stop gasbagging. A big thankyou to Zoe for serving us lunch and dinner which as usual was scrummy.

Also this month I took part in The Ready Steady Scrap challange in Scrapbook Inspirations Magazine, I took part along with my GoGo Greetings DT Teamie Karen, we were sent a scrapbboking kit and had to create a LO with the supplies, I found this quite hard as the papers really weren't my thing but enjoyed doing the challenge, Karen won the challenge which I thought was the right decision as her LO was fab, alot more inspirational than mine but we both enjoyed taking part. If you would like to see our LO's you could take a peek here at karen's blog as I am too darn lazy to upload the photos!

Here are my LO's from Wyverstone ann the acrylic book I did..........


  1. Super book Lisa, lovely. And congrats on being in SI again!

  2. Mini book is just way too beautiful x

  3. Gorgeous mini book Lisa.

    I have left you a little something on my blog x

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